Air Conditioning Compressor


Technical condition requirements for removed air conditioning compressors

1. The housing with pulley must not be mechanically damaged, strongly corroded or burnt out (structure stability disturbance). 
2. The system connection sockets must not be damaged. They must be closed using plugs from the purchased compressor. 
3. The fixtures must not be broken, removed or cracked. 
4. The returned core must be equivalent to a substitute for the purchased compressor. 
5. The manufacturer's sale number on the housing must be legible. 
6. The compressor cores to be returned must not be seized, the pulley clutch disk must be movable. 
7. The electric connections must not be damaged or torn off; if the connector is missing, the cable must be so long that a connection of a new connector is possible.

Unacceptable examples

External damage.

External damage.

External damage.

External damage.

Transport covers on pressure openings

Transport covers on pressure openings

No transport covers (before returning, reposition the covers from the new core)

No transport covers (before returning, reposition the covers from the new core)

Compressor must be in the same condition as it was when disassembling it from a vehicle. It can't be disassembled.

Compressor must be in the same condition as it was when disassembling it from a vehicle. It can't be disassembled.

Defective or damaged core

Defective or damaged core

Defective or damaged core

Defective or damaged core

Locked compressors are not accepted to be returned.

Locked compressors are not accepted to be returned.

The clutch and the compressor axis should rotate 360° in both directions

The clutch and the compressor axis should rotate 360° in both directions