Töösõidukite juhtseadmed
Raskeveokite rooliseadmete tehnilised tingimused
1. Väline korpus, kinnitusklambrid ja poltide augud ei tohi olla pragunenud ega deformeerunud.
2. Liikuvad mehhanismid (nt telg) ei tohi olla kinni kiilunud või blokeerunud.
3. Keermestatud augud ei tohi olla kahjustatud või liigselt kulunud.
4. Roolimehhanism ei tohi olla tugevalt roostetanud (vähenenud struktuurne stabiilsus).
5. Tootja kood peab olema loetav ja vastama tootja ametlikule numbrile.
6. ZF-i puhul on nõutav tootja paigaldatud infosilt.
7. Kui infosilti pole, võib korpuse tagastada originaalpakendis koos originaalkoodiga.
Unacceptable examples
Complete core without mechanical damage - required
Complete core without mechanical damage - required
Mechanical damage - unacceptable
Complete core without mechanical damage - required
Damaged housing - unacceptable
Damaged housing - unacceptable
Damaged housing - unacceptable
The manufacturer's number on the part (starting e.g. with 76..955...) or the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 76... or KS...) on the Bosch spare part number or part number (starting with e.g. 76... or KS...) on the box (as an auxiliary)
For safety reasons, please check that all end caps are in place. If the end cap is missing, please put it on by yourself to avoid oil leakage.
For safety reasons, please check that all end caps are in place. If the end cap is missing, please put it on by yourself to avoid oil leakage.
For safety reasons, please check that all end caps are in place. If the end cap is missing, please put it on by yourself to avoid oil leakage.
Low to medium corrosion - acceptable
Low to medium corrosion - acceptable
Mechanical damage - unacceptable
Dismantled part - not allowed