Mecanism de direcție pentru vehicule comerciale


Требования, которые относятся к техническому состоянию демонтированной рулевой передачи для эксплуатационных транспортных средств

1. Внешний корпус, монтажные кронштейны к кузову или отверстия под болты не должны иметь трещин или деформаций.

2. Подвижные механизмы (валик) не должны иметь заеданий или быть заблокированными.

3. Зубцы шлицевого вала, как резьбовые отверстия, не должны иметь повреждений или срезов.

4. Рулевая передача не может иметь сильных коррозий (нарушение стабильности конструкции).

5. Требуется бирка производителя ZF.

6. В случае отсутствия бирки допускается возврат сердечника в оригинальной упаковке с индексом.

7. Индекс сердечника, который подлежит возврату, должен соответствовать индексу готового изделия.

Unacceptable examples

Complete core without mechanical damage - required

Complete core without mechanical damage - required

Complete core without mechanical damage - required

Complete core without mechanical damage - required

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Complete core without mechanical damage - required

Complete core without mechanical damage - required

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Corrosion - unacceptable

Corrosion - unacceptable

The manufacturer's number on the part (starting e.g. with 76..955...) or the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 76... or KS...) on the Bosch spare part number or part number (starting with e.g. 76... or KS...) on the box (as an auxiliary)

The manufacturer's number on the part (starting e.g. with 76..955...) or the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 76... or KS...) on the Bosch spare part number or part number (starting with e.g. 76... or KS...) on the box (as an auxiliary)

For safety reasons, please check that all end caps are in place. If the end cap is missing, please put it on by yourself to avoid oil leakage.

For safety reasons, please check that all end caps are in place. If the end cap is missing, please put it on by yourself to avoid oil leakage.

For safety reasons, please check that all end caps are in place. If the end cap is missing, please put it on by yourself to avoid oil leakage.

For safety reasons, please check that all end caps are in place. If the end cap is missing, please put it on by yourself to avoid oil leakage.

For safety reasons, please check that all end caps are in place. If the end cap is missing, please put it on by yourself to avoid oil leakage.

For safety reasons, please check that all end caps are in place. If the end cap is missing, please put it on by yourself to avoid oil leakage.

Low to medium corrosion - acceptable

Low to medium corrosion - acceptable

Low to medium corrosion - acceptable

Low to medium corrosion - acceptable

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Dismantled part - not allowed

Dismantled part - not allowed

No gear nut - acceptable

No gear nut - acceptable