Volanski prenos za gospodarska vozila


Zahteve glede tehničnega stanja odmontiranih krmilnih prestav za težka delovna vozila

1. Zunanje ohišje, montažni podporniki nadvozja in odprtine za vijake ne smejo biti počeni ali deformirani

2. Gibljivi mehanizmi (gred) ne smejo biti zatrti/zablokirani

3. Zobci poliutorov ter navojne odprtine, kot tudi krmilni drogovi ne smejo biti poškodovani ali skrajšane

4. Prestava ne sme biti močno korodirana (oslabitev stabilnosti konstrukcije)

5. Obvezen je izvesek proizvajalca.

6. Če ni izveska, se dopušča vračilo jedra, zapakiranega v originalni embalaži z indeksom.

7.Indeks vrnjenega jedra mora biti skladen z indeksom kupljenega gotovega izdelka.

Unacceptable examples

Complete core without any mechanical damage - required

Complete core without any mechanical damage - required

Complete core without any mechanical damage - required

Complete core without any mechanical damage - required

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Complete core without any mechanical damage - required

Complete core without any mechanical damage - required

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Corrosion - unacceptable

Corrosion - unacceptable

Manufacturer number for part (starting e.g. with 76..955…) or Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 76… or KS…) for part or Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 76… or KS…) on the box

Manufacturer number for part (starting e.g. with 76..955…) or Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 76… or KS…) for part or Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 76… or KS…) on the box

For safety reasons, please check that all plugs are in place. If the plug is missing, please install it yourself to avoid oil leakage.

For safety reasons, please check that all plugs are in place. If the plug is missing, please install it yourself to avoid oil leakage.

For safety reasons, please check that all plugs are in place. If the plug is missing, please install it yourself to avoid oil leakage.

For safety reasons, please check that all plugs are in place. If the plug is missing, please install it yourself to avoid oil leakage.

For safety reasons, please check that all plugs are in place. If the plug is missing, please install it yourself to avoid oil leakage.

For safety reasons, please check that all plugs are in place. If the plug is missing, please install it yourself to avoid oil leakage.

Light & modest corrosion - acceptable

Light & modest corrosion - acceptable

Light & modest corrosion - acceptable

Light & modest corrosion - acceptable

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Disassembled part - unacceptable

Disassembled part - unacceptable

Missing gear nut - acceptable

Missing gear nut - acceptable