

Elektroonilise võimendiga rooliseadmete tehnilised tingimused

1. Korpusel peab olema loetav tootja number. 

2. Ringlussevõetud korpuse OE-number peab vastama ostetud toote numbrile.

3. Korpus peaks olema puhas, ilma rasva-, õli- või määrdeaine jääkideta. 

4. Tagastatud korpusel ei tohi olla jälgi lihvimisest, viilimisest või liivapritsist. 

5. Toode peab olema terviklik, täielik ja modifitseerimata. Kõik selle detailid peaksid olema originaalsed või identsed uue toote omadega. Korpusel ei tohiks olla lahtivõtmise jälgi. 

6. Korpus tuleb tagastada originaalpakendis (kinnitatud tugevdavate elementidega, mis kaitsevad eset transpordikahjustuste eest). 

7. Kui tekib vedelike lekkimise oht, tuleks toode pakendada lekkekindlasse kilekotti. 

8. Korpusel ei tohi olla mehaanilisi kahjustusi, tugevat korrosiooni ega sulamise jälgi. 

9. Kinnitusvardad ei tohi olla painutatud, deformeerunud, keevitatud ega paikneda erineva nurga all. 

10. Korpusel võib esineda loomuliku kulumise jälgi ja väiksemaid kahjustusi. 

11. Elektriühendustel ei tohi olla tugevaid mehaanilisi kahjustusi.

Unacceptable examples

Tie rods bent, deformed or not at the same angle - not acceptable

Tie rods bent, deformed or not at the same angle - not acceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Tie rods at the same angle - acceptable

Tie rods at the same angle - acceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Slight damage to the connectors - acceptable

Slight damage to the connectors - acceptable

Connector(s) damaged above line (1) - acceptable

Connector(s) damaged above line (1) - acceptable

Connector(s) damaged above line (1) - acceptable

Connector(s) damaged above line (1) - acceptable

Connector(s) damaged below the marked line (1) - unacceptable

Connector(s) damaged below the marked line (1) - unacceptable

Defective connector - unacceptable

Defective connector - unacceptable

Connector(s) damaged below the marked line (1) - unacceptable

Connector(s) damaged below the marked line (1) - unacceptable

Damaged or welded tie rod - unacceptable

Damaged or welded tie rod - unacceptable

Damaged or welded tie rod - unacceptable

Damaged or welded tie rod - unacceptable

Deformation, mechanical damage - unacceptable

Deformation, mechanical damage - unacceptable

Damaged plastic housing - acceptable

Damaged plastic housing - acceptable

No damage, deformation, corrosion of the tie rod - required

No damage, deformation, corrosion of the tie rod - required

The manufacturer's number on the part (starting e.g. with 78..974) or the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 78... or KS...) on the part, the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 78... or KS...) on the box (as an auxiliary)

The manufacturer's number on the part (starting e.g. with 78..974) or the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 78... or KS...) on the part, the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 78... or KS...) on the box (as an auxiliary)

Surface corrosion on the tie rod - acceptable

Surface corrosion on the tie rod - acceptable

Strong corrosion - unacceptable

Strong corrosion - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Connector(s) damaged below the marked line (1) - unacceptable

Connector(s) damaged below the marked line (1) - unacceptable

Slight damage - acceptable

Slight damage - acceptable

Melted - unacceptable

Melted - unacceptable

Broken deadbolt (b) - acceptable

Broken deadbolt (b) - acceptable

Light and superficial corrosion on the gear- acceptable

Light and superficial corrosion on the gear- acceptable

Light corrosion on the valve - acceptable

Light corrosion on the valve - acceptable

Slight corrosion on the tie rod - acceptable

Slight corrosion on the tie rod - acceptable

Strong corrosion - unacceptable

Strong corrosion - unacceptable

Defective electrical plug - unacceptable

Defective electrical plug - unacceptable

Damage to the transducer plug - acceptable |##| Damage to the motor plug - unacceptable

Damage to the transducer plug - acceptable |##| Damage to the motor plug - unacceptable