Rooliseadme hüdrauliline pump


Roolivõimendi pumba kompressorite tehnilise seisukorra nõuded

1. Väline korpus, kinnitusklambrid ja poltide augud ei tohi olla pragunenud ega deformeerunud. 
2. Liikuvad mehhanismid (nt telg) ei tohi olla kinni kiilunud ega blokeerunud. 
3. Keermestatud augud ei tohi olla kahjustatud ega kulunud. 
4. Pump ei tohi olla tugevalt korrodeerunud (vähenenud struktuurne stabiilsus). 
5. Rihmarattaga korpus tuleb ka tagastada koos rihmarattaga. 
6. Paagiga pumbad peavad olema varustatud pistikuga. Paak ega voolikud ei tohi olla pragunenud või katkised. 
7. Tootja number korpusel peab olema loetav ja korrektne.
8. ZF-tootja silt on vajalik. 
9. Kui silti pole, võib korpuse tagastada originaalpakendis, millel on tootekood.

Unacceptable examples

Complete core, no signs of disassembly - required Core complete, without traces of disassembly - required

Complete core, no signs of disassembly - required Core complete, without traces of disassembly - required

No shaft - unacceptable

No shaft - unacceptable

No balls - unacceptable

No balls - unacceptable

Incomplete core - unacceptable

Incomplete core - unacceptable

Incomplete core - unacceptable

Incomplete core - unacceptable

Damaged pulley - acceptable

Damaged pulley - acceptable

Damaged pulley - acceptable

Damaged pulley - acceptable

Shaft turns with difficulty or does not turn at all - unacceptable

Shaft turns with difficulty or does not turn at all - unacceptable

Shaft turns with difficulty or does not turn at all - unacceptable

Shaft turns with difficulty or does not turn at all - unacceptable

Shaft turns with difficulty or does not turn at all - unacceptable

Shaft turns with difficulty or does not turn at all - unacceptable

Corrosion - unacceptable

Corrosion - unacceptable

The manufacturer's number on the part (starting e.g. with 76..955...) or the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 76... or KS...) on the Bosch spare part number or part number (starting with e.g. 76... or KS...) on the box (as an auxiliary)

The manufacturer's number on the part (starting e.g. with 76..955...) or the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 76... or KS...) on the Bosch spare part number or part number (starting with e.g. 76... or KS...) on the box (as an auxiliary)

Damaged wedge / thread - unacceptable

Damaged wedge / thread - unacceptable

Damaged or broken housing - unacceptable

Damaged or broken housing - unacceptable