Hydraulička pumpa


Zahtjevi vezani za tehničko stanje demontiranih pumpi serva za sustav upravljanja

1. Vanjsko kućište, podupirači za montažu na šasiji ili otvori za šarafe ne mogu biti puknuti ili deformirani

2. Pokretni mehanizmi (osica) ne mogu biti blokirani

3. Otvori s navojima ne mogu biti oštećeni ili stisnuti

4. Pumpa ne može biti jako korodirana (narušavanje stabilnosti konstrukcije)

5. Pumpe koje su u kompletu s vodilicom, moraju biti vraćane s neoštećenom vodilicom.

6. Pumpa s rezervoarom treba imati čep, rezervoar ne može biti puknut, cijevi polomljene. 

7. Broj proizvođača mora biti čitak na kućištu i sukladan broju proizvođača.

8. Zahtjevan viseći znak proizvođača ZF

9. U slučaju ako nema visećeg znaka dopušten je povrat jezgre u originalnoj ambalaži s indeksom.

Neprihvatljivi primjeri

Complete core, no signs of disassembly - required Core complete, without traces of disassembly - required

Complete core, no signs of disassembly - required Core complete, without traces of disassembly - required

No shaft - unacceptable

No shaft - unacceptable

No balls - unacceptable

No balls - unacceptable

Incomplete core - unacceptable

Incomplete core - unacceptable

Incomplete core - unacceptable

Incomplete core - unacceptable

Damaged pulley - acceptable

Damaged pulley - acceptable

Damaged pulley - acceptable

Damaged pulley - acceptable

Shaft turns with difficulty or does not turn at all - unacceptable

Shaft turns with difficulty or does not turn at all - unacceptable

Shaft turns with difficulty or does not turn at all - unacceptable

Shaft turns with difficulty or does not turn at all - unacceptable

Shaft turns with difficulty or does not turn at all - unacceptable

Shaft turns with difficulty or does not turn at all - unacceptable

Corrosion - unacceptable

Corrosion - unacceptable

The manufacturer's number on the part (starting e.g. with 76..955...) or the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 76... or KS...) on the Bosch spare part number or part number (starting with e.g. 76... or KS...) on the box (as an auxiliary)

The manufacturer's number on the part (starting e.g. with 76..955...) or the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 76... or KS...) on the Bosch spare part number or part number (starting with e.g. 76... or KS...) on the box (as an auxiliary)

Damaged wedge / thread - unacceptable

Damaged wedge / thread - unacceptable

Damaged or broken housing - unacceptable

Damaged or broken housing - unacceptable