Kompresor Zračnog Ovjesa

1. Vraćani, demontirani dio (jezgra) treba odgovarati kupljenoj robi koja je obuhvaćena formom prodaje TR i proporučjivo je ju dostaviti u poakiranju od kupljenog primjerka. U slučaju ako nema originalnog pakiranja vraćan dio mora biti na jasan način opisan indeksom kupljene robe.

2. Sukladno propisima o zaštiti okoliša jezgre treba osigurati i pakirati tako da ne zagađuju okoliš. Iz demontiranih dijelova (npr. Letve volana sa servom, pumpe, kompresori klimatizacije) treba odstraniti preostalu radnu tekućinu i začepiti otvore pomoću čepova s npr. kupljene robe.

3. Primiti se može samo kompletan dio nerastavljen na sastavne dijelove i koji ispunjava dolje navedene tehničke zahtijeve.

Technical condition requirements for removed air suspension compressors

1. The core must not be cracked, broken or deformed.

2. The hull can not be heavily corroded or burnt (unwavering structural stability).

3. The returned core can not be decomposed or modified in any way.

4. The engine must be complete and not laid on part.

5. The core can not bear traces of mechanical damage resulting from inadequate use, disassembly or incineration.

Neprihvatljivi primjeri

Device is dismantled - unacceptable

Device is dismantled - unacceptable

Device is dismantled - unacceptable

Device is dismantled - unacceptable

Missing screws - unacceptable

Missing screws - unacceptable

Missing components - unacceptable

Missing components - unacceptable

Missing components - unacceptable

Missing components - unacceptable

Missing components - unacceptable

Missing components - unacceptable

Missing components and corrocion inside - unacceptable

Missing components and corrocion inside - unacceptable

Heavy corrosion - unacceptable

Heavy corrosion - unacceptable

Allowed area cut of cables

Allowed area cut of cables

Allowed area cut of cables

Allowed area cut of cables

 Allowed area cut of cables

Allowed area cut of cables

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Damaged device - unacceptable

Damaged device - unacceptable

Corroded screws - acceptable

Corroded screws - acceptable

Damaged or broken device - unacceptable

Damaged or broken device - unacceptable

Damaged or broken device - unacceptable

Damaged or broken device - unacceptable

Reassembled device - unacceptable

Reassembled device - unacceptable

Reassembled device - unacceptable

Reassembled device - unacceptable

Damaged plug (wires) - acceptable

Damaged plug (wires) - acceptable

Damaged plug (wires) - acceptable

Damaged plug (wires) - acceptable

Missing plug - acceptable

Missing plug - acceptable

Damaged plug (valve) - unacceptable

Damaged plug (valve) - unacceptable

Cut or damaged cables - acceptable

Cut or damaged cables - acceptable

Cables shorter than 2 cm - unacceptable

Cables shorter than 2 cm - unacceptable

Cables / wires damaged closer than 2 cm from housing - unacceptable

Cables / wires damaged closer than 2 cm from housing - unacceptable