AdBlue spremnik - T.TEC

1. Vraćani, demontirani dio (jezgra) treba odgovarati kupljenoj robi koja je obuhvaćena formom prodaje TR i proporučjivo je ju dostaviti u poakiranju od kupljenog primjerka. U slučaju ako nema originalnog pakiranja vraćan dio mora biti na jasan način opisan indeksom kupljene robe.

2. Sukladno propisima o zaštiti okoliša jezgre treba osigurati i pakirati tako da ne zagađuju okoliš. Iz demontiranih dijelova (npr. Letve volana sa servom, pumpe, kompresori klimatizacije) treba odstraniti preostalu radnu tekućinu i začepiti otvore pomoću čepova s npr. kupljene robe.

3. Primiti se može samo kompletan dio nerastavljen na sastavne dijelove i koji ispunjava dolje navedene tehničke zahtijeve.

Technical condition requirements for AdBlue tanks

1. The returned core should have the same number as the purchased part or the number of the replacement
       • The ADB00x number is an internal Turbo-Tec number. The OEM number is located on the tank housing.

2. The tank should be complete, i.e. the pumping module cannot be dismantled.

3. The electric bundle (wiring) cannot be removed.

4. Plugs cannot be removed.

5. The metal mounting sleeves cannot be removed.

6. Depending on the model, the heat shield cannot be removed.

7. The plastic spacers cannot be removed.

8. Sink plugs cannot be removed.

9. Regarding mechanical damage/cracks: 
The tanks are made of a material resistant to impact and mechanical damage/cracks. Damage of this nature practically does not occur.

Neprihvatljivi primjeri

1. The returned core should have the same number as the part purchased or the number of the replacement

1. The returned core should have the same number as the part purchased or the number of the replacement

2. The tank should be complete, i.e. the pumping module cannot be dismantled

2. The tank should be complete, i.e. the pumping module cannot be dismantled

3. The electric bundle (wiring) cannot be removed

3. The electric bundle (wiring) cannot be removed

4. Plugs cannot be removed

4. Plugs cannot be removed

5. The metal mounting sleeves cannot be removed

5. The metal mounting sleeves cannot be removed

6. Depending on the model, the heat shield cannot be removed

6. Depending on the model, the heat shield cannot be removed

7. The plastic spacers cannot be removed

7. The plastic spacers cannot be removed

8. Sink / Basin plugs cannot be removed

8. Sink / Basin plugs cannot be removed