Dijelovi parking grijača

Spare parts for parking heaters

1.Jezgra ne smije imati nikakvih mehaničkih oštećenja (udubljenje ili puknuto  kućište motora)
2.Tutbina oštećena - neprihvatljivo.
3.Nema magneta - nije dopušteno.
4.Oštećenja na komandnoj ploči  - nisu dopuštena

Neprihvatljivi primjeri

Motors designated for regenration cannot have the following damages: - damaged turbine / missing magnet

Motors designated for regenration cannot have the following damages: - damaged turbine / missing magnet

Damaged turbine - unacceptable

Damaged turbine - unacceptable

Damaged bumper - unacceptable

Damaged bumper - unacceptable

Damaged bumper - unacceptable

Damaged bumper - unacceptable

Other damages - unacceptable

Other damages - unacceptable