Oro Pakaba Kompresorius

1. Grąžinama, išmontuota dalis (šerdis) turi atitikti TR pardavimų būdu įsigytą prekę. Rekomenduojama ją pristatyti anksčiau nupirkto egzempioriaus pakuotėje. Jeigu originalios pakuotės nėra, grąžinama dalis turi būti vienareikšmiškai pažymėta nupirktos prekės indeksu.

2. Atsižvelgiant į aplinkosaugos reikalavimus, šerdys turi būti saugomos ir pakuojamos taip, kad neterštų aplinkos. Iš išmontuotų dalių (pvz. vairo pavarų su stiprintuvu, siurblių, kondicionierių kompresorių) turi būti pašalinta darbinė medžiaga, lizdai uždengti kamščiais, pvz. išimtais iš nupirktos prekės.

3. Priimamos tik komplektiškos dalys, neišardytos į sudedemąsias dalis, atitinkančios toliau išdėstytus techninius reikalavimus. 


Technical condition requirements for removed air suspension compressors

1. The core must not be cracked, broken or deformed. 2. The hull must not be heavily corroded or burnt (unwavering structural stability). 3. The returned core must not be disassembled or modified in any way. 4. The engine must be complete and not be disassembled into its components. 5. The core must not bear traces of mechanical damage resulting from inadequate use, disassembly or incineration.

Nepriimtini pavyzdžiai

No cable cover- unacceptable

No cable cover- unacceptable

Core damaged, broken - unacceptable

Core damaged, broken - unacceptable

Permitted Cable Intersection Areas

Permitted Cable Intersection Areas

Permitted Cable Intersection Areas

Permitted Cable Intersection Areas

Permitted Cable Intersection Areas

Permitted Cable Intersection Areas

Core disassembled - unacceptable

Core disassembled - unacceptable

Core disassembled - unacceptable

Core disassembled - unacceptable

Missing screws - unacceptable

Missing screws - unacceptable

Missing components - unacceptable

Missing components - unacceptable

Missing components - unacceptable

Missing components - unacceptable

Missing components - unacceptable

Missing components - unacceptable

Missing components, corrosion inside - unacceptable

Missing components, corrosion inside - unacceptable

Severe corrosion - unacceptable

Severe corrosion - unacceptable

Damaged device - unacceptable Damaged Plastic Parts - Acceptable

Damaged device - unacceptable Damaged Plastic Parts - Acceptable

Corroded screws - acceptable

Corroded screws - acceptable

Core damaged, broken - unacceptable

Core damaged, broken - unacceptable

Core damaged, broken - unacceptable

Core damaged, broken - unacceptable

Reassembled device - unacceptable

Reassembled device - unacceptable

Reassembled device - unacceptable

Reassembled device - unacceptable

Defective plug (wires) - acceptable

Defective plug (wires) - acceptable

Defective plug (wires) - acceptable

Defective plug (wires) - acceptable

Missing plug - acceptable No Plug - Acceptable

Missing plug - acceptable No Plug - Acceptable

Damaged plug (valve) - unacceptable Defective plug (valve) - acceptable

Damaged plug (valve) - unacceptable Defective plug (valve) - acceptable

Cut or damaged cables - acceptable Cut or damaged cables at a distance of more than 2 cm - acceptable

Cut or damaged cables - acceptable Cut or damaged cables at a distance of more than 2 cm - acceptable

Cables shorter than 2 cm - unacceptable

Cables shorter than 2 cm - unacceptable

Cables/wires damaged at a distance of less than 2 cm - unacceptable

Cables/wires damaged at a distance of less than 2 cm - unacceptable

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Mechanical damage - unacceptable