

Išmontuotų purkštukų techninės būklės reikalavimai:

1. Įpurškimo purkštuvai gali būti sulenkti, sulūžę arba jų trūkti.
2. Įpurškimo blokas negali būti išmontuotas.

3. Ant kėbulo esantis gamintojo numeris (OE numeris) turi būti įskaitomas ir atitikti katalogo numerį.

4. Korpusas ir tvirtinimo (fiksavimo) taškai negali būti pažeisti.

5. Purkštukas negali būti stipriai aprūdijęs ar apdegęs (pablogėja konstrukcijos stabilumas).

6. Injektorius negali būti (arba turėti), pvz. sulenktas, susuktas korpusas, sulūžusi siurblio spyruoklė, sulūžęs išleidimo vamzdis ir kt.

Nepriimtini pavyzdžiai

Sub-assembly disassembled; loose screws - unacceptable

Sub-assembly disassembled; loose screws - unacceptable

Sub-assembly disassembled; loose spring - unacceptable

Sub-assembly disassembled; loose spring - unacceptable

Incomplete core - unacceptable

Incomplete core - unacceptable

Incomplete core - unacceptable

Incomplete core - unacceptable

Incomplete core - unacceptable

Incomplete core - unacceptable

Damaged housing; damaged nut - unacceptable

Damaged housing; damaged nut - unacceptable

Damage to the spring plate hole, damage to the pump plunger cover due to screw breakage - unacceptable

Damage to the spring plate hole, damage to the pump plunger cover due to screw breakage - unacceptable

Damage to the electrical connection - acceptable

Damage to the electrical connection - acceptable

Flange and lid damage - acceptable

Flange and lid damage - acceptable

Discoloration due to the use of defective fuel - unacceptable

Discoloration due to the use of defective fuel - unacceptable

Permissible corrosion on the spring plate

Permissible corrosion on the spring plate

Permissible corrosion on the spring

Permissible corrosion on the spring

Permissible corrosion on the nozzle

Permissible corrosion on the nozzle

Permissible corrosion on flange and lid

Permissible corrosion on flange and lid

Deep corrosion- unacceptable

Deep corrosion- unacceptable

Unit Injector for trucks (all below)

Unit Injector for trucks (all below)

Missing spring - acceptable. |##| Disassembled unit - unacceptable

Missing spring - acceptable. |##| Disassembled unit - unacceptable

No atomizer - acceptable; No pin at the spring plate - acceptable

No atomizer - acceptable; No pin at the spring plate - acceptable

Slight corrosion without loss of material - acceptable

Slight corrosion without loss of material - acceptable

Mechanical damage. Damaged screw and steel cover - acceptable

Mechanical damage. Damaged screw and steel cover - acceptable

Damage to the brass cover - unacceptable

Damage to the brass cover - unacceptable