Juhendi elektripump


Roolivõimu pumpade tehnilised tingimused

1. Korpuse väliskest, kinnitusklambrid ja poltide augud ei tohi olla pragunenud ega deformeerunud. 

2. Keermestatud augud ei tohi olla kahjustatud või lõigatud. 

3. Pump ei ole tugevalt korrodeerunud (vähenenud konstruktsiooni stabiilsus). 

4. Paagiga varustatud pumbal peaks olema ka pistik, paak ei tohi olla pragunenud.

5. Korpus peab olema terviklik ja ühes tükis. 

6. Elektriühendused ei tohi olla kahjustatud ega termiliselt deformeerunud. 

7. Juhtmestiku pistikud ei tohi olla kahjustatud ega ära lõigatud. 

8. Pumba korpusel ei tohi olla mehaanilisi kahjustusi. 

9. Tagastatava toote korpusel peab olema loetavalt tootja kood, mis peab ühilduma kataloogis oleva koodiga ja/või asendustoote koodiga.

Unacceptable examples

(1) Acceptable core - Good quality. ## Core contains all components. ## No damage to the housing. ## No damage to the components. ## Original housing and components (original parts only).

(1) Acceptable core - Good quality. ## Core contains all components. ## No damage to the housing. ## No damage to the components. ## Original housing and components (original parts only).

Acceptable core - Incomplete core. ## Core with damaged or missing components.

Acceptable core - Incomplete core. ## Core with damaged or missing components.

Acceptable core - Slight damage on the housing, connector. ## Damaged mounting points (threads). ## Broken silentblock screw. ## Damaged or missing connector beak. ## Damaged or burnt connectors. ## Damaged engine cover. ## Damaged or missing cable.

Acceptable core - Slight damage on the housing, connector. ## Damaged mounting points (threads). ## Broken silentblock screw. ## Damaged or missing connector beak. ## Damaged or burnt connectors. ## Damaged engine cover. ## Damaged or missing cable.

Unacceptable core - Unrepairable core

Unacceptable core - Unrepairable core

(2) Acceptable core - Good quality. ## Core contains all components. ## No damage to the housing. ## No damage to the components. ## Original housing and components (original parts only).

(2) Acceptable core - Good quality. ## Core contains all components. ## No damage to the housing. ## No damage to the components. ## Original housing and components (original parts only).

Acceptable core - Incomplete core. ## Core with damaged or missing components.

Acceptable core - Incomplete core. ## Core with damaged or missing components.

Acceptable Core - Slight damage to the housing, 2nd quality; ## Damaged mounting points (threads); ## Defective silentblock screw; ## Damaged engine cover.

Acceptable Core - Slight damage to the housing, 2nd quality; ## Damaged mounting points (threads); ## Defective silentblock screw; ## Damaged engine cover.

Unacceptable core - Unrepairable core

Unacceptable core - Unrepairable core

(3) Acceptable core - Good quality. ## Core contains all components. ## No damage to the housing. ## No damage to the components. ## Original housing and components (original parts only).

(3) Acceptable core - Good quality. ## Core contains all components. ## No damage to the housing. ## No damage to the components. ## Original housing and components (original parts only).

Acceptable core - Incomplete core. ## Core with damaged or missing components.

Acceptable core - Incomplete core. ## Core with damaged or missing components.

Acceptable Core - Light damage to the case, 2nd quality. ## Damaged mounting points (threads); ## Damaged rubber fastener screw; ## Missing "humpback" nose joint (JER112 only).

Acceptable Core - Light damage to the case, 2nd quality. ## Damaged mounting points (threads); ## Damaged rubber fastener screw; ## Missing "humpback" nose joint (JER112 only).

Unacceptable core - Unrepairable core

Unacceptable core - Unrepairable core