Elektromos kormányszivattyú


Szervokormány-szivattyúk műszaki állapot követelményei

1. A külső ház, a tartókonzoljai vagy a csavarfuratok nem lehetnek repedve vagy deformálva.

2. A menetes furatok nem lehetnek sérültek vagy vágottak.

3. A szivattyú nem lehet erősen korrodált (a sabil működést nem befolyásolhatja).

4. A tartállyal rendelkező szivattyú csatlakozójó sérülés mentes kell hogy  legyen, a tartály nem lehet repedve.

5. A cseredarabnak teljesnek és összeszereltnek kell lennie.

6. Az elektromos csatlakozások nem sérülhetnek vagy termikusan deformálódhatnak.

7. A kábelköteg csatlakozói nem lehtnekj sérültek vagy vágottak.

8. A szivattyú testén nem lehet mechanikai sérülés.

9. A házon elhelyezett visszaküldött alkatrész gyártói számának olvashatónak és a késztermék indexével kompatibilisnek vagy felcserélhetőnek kell lennie.

nem elfogadó példák

(1) Acceptable core - Good quality. ## Core contains all components. ## No damage to the housing. ## No damage to the components. ## Original housing and components (original parts only).

(1) Acceptable core - Good quality. ## Core contains all components. ## No damage to the housing. ## No damage to the components. ## Original housing and components (original parts only).

Acceptable core - Incomplete core. ## Core with damaged or missing components.

Acceptable core - Incomplete core. ## Core with damaged or missing components.

Acceptable core - Slight damage on the housing, connector. ## Damaged mounting points (threads). ## Broken silentblock screw. ## Damaged or missing connector beak. ## Damaged or burnt connectors. ## Damaged engine cover. ## Damaged or missing cable.

Acceptable core - Slight damage on the housing, connector. ## Damaged mounting points (threads). ## Broken silentblock screw. ## Damaged or missing connector beak. ## Damaged or burnt connectors. ## Damaged engine cover. ## Damaged or missing cable.

Unacceptable core - Unrepairable core

Unacceptable core - Unrepairable core

(2) Acceptable core - Good quality. ## Core contains all components. ## No damage to the housing. ## No damage to the components. ## Original housing and components (original parts only).

(2) Acceptable core - Good quality. ## Core contains all components. ## No damage to the housing. ## No damage to the components. ## Original housing and components (original parts only).

Acceptable core - Incomplete core. ## Core with damaged or missing components.

Acceptable core - Incomplete core. ## Core with damaged or missing components.

Acceptable Core - Slight damage to the housing, 2nd quality; ## Damaged mounting points (threads); ## Defective silentblock screw; ## Damaged engine cover.

Acceptable Core - Slight damage to the housing, 2nd quality; ## Damaged mounting points (threads); ## Defective silentblock screw; ## Damaged engine cover.

Unacceptable core - Unrepairable core

Unacceptable core - Unrepairable core

(3) Acceptable core - Good quality. ## Core contains all components. ## No damage to the housing. ## No damage to the components. ## Original housing and components (original parts only).

(3) Acceptable core - Good quality. ## Core contains all components. ## No damage to the housing. ## No damage to the components. ## Original housing and components (original parts only).

Acceptable core - Incomplete core. ## Core with damaged or missing components.

Acceptable core - Incomplete core. ## Core with damaged or missing components.

Acceptable Core - Light damage to the case, 2nd quality. ## Damaged mounting points (threads); ## Damaged rubber fastener screw; ## Missing "humpback" nose joint (JER112 only).

Acceptable Core - Light damage to the case, 2nd quality. ## Damaged mounting points (threads); ## Damaged rubber fastener screw; ## Missing "humpback" nose joint (JER112 only).

Unacceptable core - Unrepairable core

Unacceptable core - Unrepairable core