Ketaspidurite koormus klamber


Pidurisadulate tehnilised tingimused

1. Korpus peab sobima piduriketastele mõõduga 340, 370 või 430 mm. 2. Korpusel peavad olema numbrid PAN 17, PAN 19-1, PAN 22-1. 3. Piduri nõela pesa ei tohi olla pragunenud, purunenud ega deformeerunud. 4. Katted ei tohi olla väga tugevalt roostes või põlenud (vähenenud struktuurne stabiilsus). 5. Keermed võivad olla kasutamisest tingitud kahjustustega. 6. Korpus võib olla kanduriga või ilma. 7. Tagastatud korpus peab olema terviklik ja kokku pandud, sellel ei tohi olla modifitseerimisjälgi (välja arvatud kandur, kuid selle juhtavad peavad olema fikseeritud). 8. Korpusel ei või olla kahjustusi, mis on põhjustatud sõiduki kokkupõrkest, tulekahjust, materjalikaost, valest hooldusest või remondist. 9. Pidurisadulate koodid, mille võib tagastada ilma kandurita PAN 19-1, 22-1, 40195001, 40225007, 40195002, 40225008, 40195003, 40225011, 40195004, 40225012, 40195017, 40225015, 40195018, 40225016, 40195027, 40225017, 40195028, 40225018, 40195037, 6402250220, 40195038, 6402250230, 6401950002, 6402250300, 6401950012, 6402250310, 6401950850, 6402250600, 6401950860, 6402250610, 6401950870, 6401950880, 6401950950, 6401950960

Unacceptable examples

Deep pitting corrosion - unacceptable

Deep pitting corrosion - unacceptable

Deep pitting corrosion - unacceptable

Deep pitting corrosion - unacceptable

Surface corrosion - acceptable

Surface corrosion - acceptable

Surface corrosion - acceptable

Surface corrosion - acceptable

Surface corrosion - acceptable

Surface corrosion - acceptable

Cut off screw - unacceptable

Cut off screw - unacceptable

Cracked housing - not acceptable

Cracked housing - not acceptable

Cracked housing and media - unacceptable

Cracked housing and media - unacceptable

Cracked housing - not acceptable

Cracked housing - not acceptable

Dismantled device - unacceptable

Dismantled device - unacceptable

No carrier - only acceptable for brake caliper from trailers

No carrier - only acceptable for brake caliper from trailers

Heavily damaged housing - unacceptable.

Heavily damaged housing - unacceptable.

Heavily damaged housing - unacceptable.

Heavily damaged housing - unacceptable.

Missing elements - acceptable

Missing elements - acceptable

Missing elements - acceptable

Missing elements - acceptable

Damaged components - acceptable

Damaged components - acceptable

Damage to the housing by cutting - acceptable

Damage to the housing by cutting - acceptable

Incomplete core - acceptable

Incomplete core - acceptable

Worn brake pads - unacceptable

Worn brake pads - unacceptable

Cut off screw (corrosion) - unacceptable

Cut off screw (corrosion) - unacceptable

Cut off screw - acceptable

Cut off screw - acceptable

Cut off screw - acceptable

Cut off screw - acceptable

Surface corrosion - acceptable

Surface corrosion - acceptable

Cracked housing and media - unacceptable

Cracked housing and media - unacceptable

Repaired with a non-WABCO repair kit - unacceptable

Repaired with a non-WABCO repair kit - unacceptable

Fitting bore protection - recommended

Fitting bore protection - recommended

Corrosion in guide holes - unacceptable

Corrosion in guide holes - unacceptable

Terminal part number that can be returned without media

Terminal part number that can be returned without media