Regulátor tlaku ABS

1. Vrátená odstránená časť (jadro) musí byť ekvivalentom zakúpeného produktu podľa vzorca TR predaja. Diel sa odporúča dodať v originálnom balení zakúpeného produktu. Ak originálny obal nie je k dispozícii, vrátený diel musí byť výslovne označený indexom zakúpeného produktu.

2. Podľa predpisov na ochranu životného prostredia musia byť jadrá chránené a zabalené tak, aby nemohli kontaminovať životné prostredie. Demontované diely (napr. prevody posilňovača riadenia, čerpadlá, kompresory klimatizácie) musia byť dodané bez pracovného média. Spoje musia byť uzavreté pomocou zástrčiek, napr. zo zakúpených produktov.

3. Môžeme akceptovať iba kompletné, nerozoberané diely, ktoré spĺňajú technické požiadavky uvedené nižšie.


Technical condition requirement for removed ABS regulators

Returned used products should bear the part number Wabco.

The products used must be complete and assembled in full.
Burnt products or any other used products that have been damaged or destroyed as a result of improper handling during disassembly, operation or transport are not eligible for collection.

The covers must not be dented or cracked.

The flights and threads must not be damaged, the pins must not be bent or broken.

The element does not show any previous regeneration.

Rust occurring on the external surfaces of the elements is acceptable. 
Internal surfaces and components may show only traces of corrosion. 
Corrosion caused by improper storage is not acceptable.

Neakceptovateľné príklady

Damage to housing of electronic components, not covering electronics - acceptable

Damage to housing of electronic components, not covering electronics - acceptable

Soling, rust, broken plastic elements - acceptable

Soling, rust, broken plastic elements - acceptable

Soling, rust, broken plastic elements - acceptable

Soling, rust, broken plastic elements - acceptable

Open products - unacceptable

Open products - unacceptable

Refers to  480 102 014 0 index, broken, bent pins, frame rusting - acceptable

Refers to 480 102 014 0 index, broken, bent pins, frame rusting - acceptable

Damaged connectors - unacceptable

Damaged connectors - unacceptable

Cracked body - unacceptable

Cracked body - unacceptable

Refers to 480 102 014 0 index - one mechanical damage around the connection - acceptable

Refers to 480 102 014 0 index - one mechanical damage around the connection - acceptable

Mechanical damage to “middle” body - acceptable

Mechanical damage to “middle” body - acceptable

Mechanical damage to “middle” body - acceptable

Mechanical damage to “middle” body - acceptable

Refers to  480 102 014 0 index, broken, bent pins, frame rusting-acceptable

Refers to 480 102 014 0 index, broken, bent pins, frame rusting-acceptable

Small scratches on the body, silencer and covers - acceptable

Small scratches on the body, silencer and covers - acceptable

Damaged ports - acceptable

Damaged ports - acceptable

Bent pins; Scratches on connector - acceptable

Bent pins; Scratches on connector - acceptable

Brocken part of connector frame - acceptable

Brocken part of connector frame - acceptable

Cutted, damaged or missing cover flips - acceptable

Cutted, damaged or missing cover flips - acceptable

Cutted, damaged or missing cover flips - acceptable

Cutted, damaged or missing cover flips - acceptable

Semi Corroded ports - acceptable

Semi Corroded ports - acceptable

Missing small parts of plastic cover - acceptable

Missing small parts of plastic cover - acceptable

Broken rib of plastic cover - acceptable

Broken rib of plastic cover - acceptable

Missing silencer - acceptable

Missing silencer - acceptable

Serious damages or signs of hit on the external surfaces - unacceptable

Serious damages or signs of hit on the external surfaces - unacceptable

Serious damages to the ECU, broken connector housing - unacceptable

Serious damages to the ECU, broken connector housing - unacceptable

Missing, bent pins or corrosion in the connector - unacceptable

Missing, bent pins or corrosion in the connector - unacceptable

Broken shackles due to improper handling - unacceptable

Broken shackles due to improper handling - unacceptable

Missing ECU ( Electronic Control Unit ) or other parts - unacceptable

Missing ECU ( Electronic Control Unit ) or other parts - unacceptable