Prevodka riadenia


Technické požiadavky vymontovanej prevodovky riadenia bez posilovacieho zariadenia

1. Vonkajší plášť, montážne držiaky podvozku alebo otvory pod šrouby nesmú byť puknuté alebo zdeformované

2. Pohyblivé mechanizmy (hriadeľ) nesmú byť zablokované

3. Ozubenie výpustu nesmú byť poškodené alebo strhnuté

4. Prevodovka nesmie byť veľmi skorodovaná (narušenie stability konštrukcie).

5. Index vráteného zariadenia musí byť rovnaký ako index zakúpeného hotového výrobku.

6. Požadované označenie výrobcu.

7. V prípade absencie označenia je možné zariadenie vrátiť v originálnom obale s indexom.

Neakceptovateľné príklady

Tie rods at the same angle - acceptable

Tie rods at the same angle - acceptable

Tie rods bent, deformed or not at the same angle - not acceptable

Tie rods bent, deformed or not at the same angle - not acceptable

Slight mechanical damage - acceptable

Slight mechanical damage - acceptable

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Mechanical damage - unacceptable

Damaged or welded tie rod - unacceptable

Damaged or welded tie rod - unacceptable

Damaged or welded tie rod - unacceptable

Damaged or welded tie rod - unacceptable

The manufacturer's number on the part (starting e.g. with 78..974) or the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 78... or KS...) on the part, the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 78... or KS...) on the box (as an auxiliary)

The manufacturer's number on the part (starting e.g. with 78..974) or the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 78... or KS...) on the part, the Bosch spare part number (starting with e.g. 78... or KS...) on the box (as an auxiliary)

Strong corrosion - unacceptable

Strong corrosion - unacceptable

Strong corrosion - unacceptable

Strong corrosion - unacceptable

Damaged or welded tie rod - unacceptable

Damaged or welded tie rod - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Damaged housing - unacceptable

Light and superficial corrosion on the gear- acceptable

Light and superficial corrosion on the gear- acceptable

Light corrosion on the valve - acceptable

Light corrosion on the valve - acceptable

Slight corrosion on the tie rod - acceptable

Slight corrosion on the tie rod - acceptable

Surface corrosion on the tie rod - acceptable

Surface corrosion on the tie rod - acceptable

Broken housing - unacceptable

Broken housing - unacceptable